LA Auto Show 2017
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The first drive video of the auto show is out!

I love how everyone compares these to spaceships.  The reference to The Last Starfighter is a new one, but it kind of fits.

And this guy is way better at backing these up than I am.

Oh hey, if anyone stumbles across a video of yesterday's press conference let me know. I'd love to see it.
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Daaaang. FUV #0 looked pretty good in a poorly-lit room, but it looks flipping awesome in the light!
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WOW!  Ready to swap a new motor design into the next batch of 50 FUVs.  It keeps getting better and better!
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If I´ve got to wait for a `next batch´ to appear and be tested, for international registration to be sorted out and for the side doors to be fitted, I might just as well wait for a professional solution that really does what I want it do do, and is made by an internationally acclaimed motorbike company: Yamaha´s Leaning Multi-Wheel (LMW) vehicle! One of the internationally established manufacturers will eventually come out with a narrow, leaning EV two-seater. But only when they have a realistic technical and commercial proposition. The new FUV and the Solo are no further advanced than the old Isetta or the Messerschmitt bubble cars.
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I knew you were anxiously waiting for all the details to be worked out........2018! Smile The established manufacturers are simply in a future concept mode and will be several years out if they bring what you consider to be an advanced vehicle to market at all. Signature Series FUV's are further advanced than the Gen 8s and the ETC. The 50 Pilots will be further advanced than the Signature Series and would wager they are all further advanced than the old bubble cars.
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Mark looked a bit out of place with the other three, but I'm glad he was a part of the conversation. Its a different viewpoint. They all talked public transit and bicycles. Mark is talking one or two people per vehicle, but smaller and electric. Its difficult to fathom that bicycles are the answer, so I youtubed a few Copenhagen videos, and sure enough, there are many people riding their bikes in sub-freezing weather. What an entirely different mindset from America! Bike bridges! So, I'm getting an education here. First off, we Americans are a bunch of spoiled pansies. Well, I already knew that. But seeing that just reinforces how arrogant and entitled we are. Another video nicely shows the diversity of bicycle types. That lady was hugely pregnant, yet riding her bike with her kid. Its gonna take a lot to transform the American mindset, if its even possible. I think Mark has the right idea, this is gonna have to be done in pieces, and Arcimoto is a catalyst in that process. Good grief. We want doors in case a light shower occurs, and Copenhageners are riding bikes in a snowstorm. I did that as a strong, able bodied teenager, but even I thought I was crazy. And don't pay any mind to all the people who are walking. I need time to process this.
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I just went out and walked around the parking lot at work for a half hour at 32 deg F. Dark, cold... felt really good. I spend far too much time indoors. Maybe Mark will let me winter test an early one! Go Danes!!
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Living in northern Europe, I don´t think that two wheels are a preferred form of urban transport. Most people would definitely like to travel in the luxury of a heated SUV. But reality kicks in when it takes hours to transit even a short distance in a car. And, when you arrive, finding a parking space takes evern longer. Diesel is due to be prohibited by 1920 and most city centres are severely limited. Anyone on two wheels can experience the sheer joy of getting there faster, threading through congested traffic, parking anywhere and not having to spend on fuel, inner city charges, repairs, insurance etc. Of course it´s cold in winter, very often wet and uncomfortable, but you do get used to it .... eventually. I am not looking forward to giving up my motorbikes and getting a car. But social pressures (familly and getting stopped for speeding) and age (well over 80) are making me consider alternatives. I´m certain I´ll kick and scream a bit before i let go of the handlebars ...

T´would all be a lost easier if I could find my ideal alternative ....

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