Price Increase?
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The last paragraph mentions a potential price increase over the original $11,900. Anyone heard of this? Is this a deal breaker for anyone?
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That's the second time I've seen that suggested. It's unclear whether it will be in the form of an increase of the base price or whether they will only initially be selling inotial FUVs with several options included, effectively increasing the minimum amount you'd pay.

I'm hoping for the latter, as I already plan on adding a few of the options. I would probably be still on board with a base price increase too, just as long as it isn't too much. I am pretty worried about exceeding my currently tight budget.
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If you read the last line of the article ("Frohnmayer said, before coming into line with that target in late 2019 or early 2020.") it sounds like the initial units may be higher, probably due to actual costs, but will come down to the original target probably as production costs improve. How does that affect all of us we will have to wait and see.
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I trust Arcimoto is working to meet the target $11,900 base price.  My guess.......odds are good since they are extremely efficient and fabricating many of their own parts in house, from raw materials, and not dependent on supplier pricing. They also may be considering profit margins on that $15K average optioned vehicle sale.  One of Arcimoto’s primary goals was affordable.

Also, I think the author’s statement above referenced Arcimoto’s Quarterly update $15K (average sale price).
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I wish AM would send out more info as all we really see is mostly conjecture. A quick weekly or at least monthly email to all the order holders would be a real nice thing. Doesn't have to be fancy, no more than 1/2 hour to create a paragraph or picture, just a quick status update as excitement is building and we are all getting anxious.

As for the price I have always planned for $15k or a bit more with options.
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Arcimoto does a good job of answering questions and posting progress photos and updates on their Facebook Page........example the Beta photos showing FUVs cranking out the AMP.  I doubt they can say much about final pricing until they offer up the online options configurator with pricing and reveal the final production vehicle.
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(08-27-2018, 01:24 AM)AnimalCage Wrote:

The last paragraph mentions a potential price increase over the original $11,900.  Anyone heard of this?  Is this a deal breaker for anyone?

Ever consider because of business uncertainty (i.e. POTUS and a vary real possibility of a  trade war)
[Image: POTUS_trade_war.jpg]
that Arcimoto is leaving the door open to cost increases because of increased cost of materials beyond its control?

FWIW consider in my neck of the woods, the projected cost of an FUV is dwarfed by the cost of parking

Quote:Is downtown San Diego ready for housing projects with no parking spots for residents? parking spots range in cost from $40,000 to $75,000, so the nearly 5,000 housing units now under construction downtown will include between $200 million and $375 million worth of parking spots.

so IMHO if Arcimoto is able to produce an FUV at the price point projected,... in urban areas w/ expensive parking I'm pretty certain these vehicles are going to be pretty popular w/ private owners as well as w/ rental operations
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(08-28-2018, 04:22 PM)ben Wrote: Ever consider because of business uncertainty (i.e. POTUS and a vary real possibility of a  trade war)
[Image: POTUS_trade_war.jpg]
that Arcimoto is leaving the door open to cost increases because of increased cost of materials beyond its control?

FWIW consider in my neck of the woods, the projected cost of an FUV is dwarfed by the cost of parking

so IMHO if Arcimoto is able to produce an FUV at the price point projected,... in urban areas w/ expensive parking I'm pretty certain these vehicles are going to be pretty popular w/ private owners as well as w/ rental operations
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(08-27-2018, 01:24 AM)AnimalCage Wrote:

The last paragraph mentions a potential price increase over the original $11,900.  Anyone heard of this?  Is this a deal breaker for anyone?

had to bring in my electric bike to the shop to get the pedals fixed/replaced after they took a hit on a curb,... anyway noticed the shop was not as packed w/ people and products as it had been before so asked why

basically was told it was because it was due to the finance "genius" POTUS

Quote:US electric bicycle companies respond to Trump tariffs and say American e-bike manufacturing won’t happen

As we’ve reported previously, the Trump administration’s trade war has recently entangled electric bicycles, among other products, in billions of dollars worth of trade tariffs with China.

Now American electric bicycle companies are responding about how this could impact their businesses, generally for the worst.

The goal of the Trump administration’s trade war has been to penalize China for what it considers unfair trade practices that reduce the cost of their products – electric bicycles in this case.

In theory, increasing the prices of imported electric bicycles would allow US companies to better compete, giving them a chance to invest in local manufacturing of the necessary components.

However, there is actually very little US-based e-bike manufacturing as it is, as almost all e-bike dealers in the US import their e-bikes from abroad, mostly China.

So instead of giving US companies breathing room to manufacture their own e-bikes, the tariffs are largely just hurting the US electric bicycle industry,...


...There isn't much hard evidence to suggest Trump possesses any sort of objective intelligence. He received only an undergraduate degree—not an MBA—from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He attended that prestigious school for only two years, transferring from Fordham University in the Bronx.

let's hope the trade war does not cause too much collateral damage to FUV prices/demand/production
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Trump’s initiated trade war will likely price increase the made in China EMV SOLO Canadian import far more than the made in the USA FUV. Vote!
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