My son in SRKs
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Being lucky enough to live a mere five miles from the A-Team's shop, I end up attending almost all of their local events.  I've been bringing my two-year-old son Brandon to some of these, and I've made it a bit of a hobby to take pictures of him in the various prototypes.  I thought I'd share a few.

Brandon in the engineering mule
[Image: 12065572_10208091056940089_1032769035095467193_n.jpg]

Brandon in Blue
[Image: 12512415_10209148471254786_1305409224737053479_n.jpg]

Brandon in the Gen 7 prototype
[Image: 12718206_10209148471974804_5484391962828232069_n.jpg]

Brandon in Red
[Image: Cc46_L0_PUk_AA0t_Qo.jpg]
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Brandon looks to be an avid SRK fan and honorary member of the SRK Owner's Forum.  His first vehicle will probably be his Dad's old worn out, but Classic 2017 SRK. Go Brandon!
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If he's very very good and does his homework.

He can aaaaaalmost reach the handlebars now!

[Image: FB_IMG_1473822258846.jpg]
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Big Deal! My son can reach the handlebars and actually drive the SRK, but he is 48 years old. Smile

Cool photos that your son will find cool too in a few short remember when years.
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Brandon loves the door latch on the Gen4
[Image: DSC_0459.jpg]

He definitely approves of Red!!
[Image: DSC_0444.jpg]
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Don't forget to click on the thumbnails in this thread to view the full size pictures!
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers.!
Disclaimer: No false statistics were supported, displayed or harmed in the making of this post.
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So, if there´s a doorlatch, I supose we can expect doors one day soon?
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Five of the prototypes have doors, but only the Gen3 is fully enclosed. Don't worry, it's coming.
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The Gen 2 is his favorite. He can stand up in it, and it has all kinds of knobs and a giant lever that he can play with.
[Image: DSC_0451.jpg]

The ETC!
[Image: DSC_0440.jpg] [Image: DSC_0449.jpg]
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Recently rediscovered this one. It's the very first time I took Brandon to to an Arcimoto event; I think he was only 1 at the time. He was a little upset that I plopped him into the Gen6 until I got in with him.

[Image: gen6.jpg]

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