Bev Howard
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Beverly Howard... second Texas pin on the map.

I just found out that there are almost 2,000 deposit holders (I'm #477) so, the big question, "Where is everyone?"

I found this forum totally by accident, so, one question would be if it might be possible to add a "Community" option on the acrimoto page.

This is a valuable resource... In less than an hour I have found several answers and pieces of information that were not available anywhere else.

After almost three quarters of a century on two wheelers (yamaha, honda, BSAs, BMWs. I'm looking forward to a ride that keeps the rubber side down plus keeps me drier.

My wife, (who managed to snare a test ride, something I haven't been able to do in over two years) will also appreciate the lack of exhaust fumes that made riding even worse for her because of the GS1150's high pipe.

Beverly Howard (Don't let the name fool you ;-)
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Hi Bev.
Welcome to the group.
If you'd like to ask arcimoto via messenger if they could pin a post in a community section on their facebook page, I'd love it. I try not to impose to much on them because I'm rather biased about the forum. I just think requests like that would be seem more sincere and be better served by a member. Again, if you were to ask Mark and the gang to give us a little "ad" and link on the left side of their FB page, I'd absolutely love it. I think the forum gives a little "wider" experience than the Arcimoto FB page. We have pros and cons here and we feel free to get comfortable. As you said, there's a lot of information that's been posted here over the existence of the site that's really hard to find in one place. Kick back, get comfortable and join in!
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers.!
Disclaimer: No false statistics were supported, displayed or harmed in the making of this post.
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>> get comfortable and join in <<

As you have probably noticed, I have already done so ;-)

>> ask arcimoto via messenger if they could pin a post in a community section on their facebook page, <<

Will do. I'm not on facebook and since facebook is a closed playground, imho, a better place would be on one of their pages such as their FAQ page.

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Hey Bev, Welcome!

I found a lot of answers here, and stirred the pot a little! In the September newsletter, they quoted a paragraph I had written here, so it looks like they are trying to drive people to the site while staying independent of it.

I've done a good bit of foul weather riding myself. I actually enjoy it, especially riding at night. But keeping the rubber down is a primary concern. I'm number 16-oh-something, so I'm looking forward to your reviews.
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Welcome bevhoward! I'm glad you found us...........a 'happy accident'.

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