FUV reserved
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A few weeks ago I placed my reservation.

Thom Riddle
Tonawanda, NY
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(02-22-2018, 04:36 PM)thomriddle Wrote: A few weeks ago I placed my reservation.

Thom Riddle
Tonawanda, NY

Nice, welcome to the forums! I am also new here, but with a pre-order placed.

By the way(I bet you get this alot...) being a younger man I appreciate your name; almost the same as one evil wizard from a beloved book series.
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‘What’s age got to do with it?”, asks an older man with a looooong time SRK turned FUV reservation and having seen all the movies and buying his grandkids the book series. Smile
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(02-22-2018, 05:16 PM)Rickb Wrote: ‘What’s age got to do with it?”, asks an older man with a looooong time SRK turned FUV reservation and having seen all the movies and buying his grandkids the book series. Smile

Fair enough  Big Grin
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Hi Thom Riddle.
Welcome to the FUV forum.
Make yourself at home, post often,
And if you ever need anything, let me know.
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
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(02-22-2018, 04:36 PM)thomriddle Wrote: A few weeks ago I placed my reservation.

Thom Riddle
Tonawanda, NY

Welcome Thom, I am an old Amherst alumni so I have a little idea of weather in Buffalo area.
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Welcome Thom, from the Inland Northwest.

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