new "3 wheeler EV" thread
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I've started a new thread, "List of 3-wheeled EVs" in the "The EV3 Backroom" portion of this site (Off Topic Discussion › Similar Vehicles) : 

(hope the link works!)  PLEASE feel free to contribute!!

I'm only posting news of it here because *sometimes* I get "new thread" notifications about "The EV3 Backroom" and sometimes I don't. Sorry for "the noise".
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Quote:Raht Racer

If you love biking to work, but wish you could get there a bit faster, then the Raht Racer is just the cycle for you. This hybrid vehicle amplifies pedal power to enable cyclists to travel at car speeds while still getting a workout, and it has a roof to keep you dry in wet weather. The Raht Racer’s hybrid flywheel generator multiplies the pedal power of the driver so that the vehicle can hit a top speed of 100 miles per hour!

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