New Facebook Group
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In case anyone is interested, Dale (who started this website) has started a new Arcimoto Facebook group. It was time; the old one lost its admin and has been slowly dying.

Find it here:
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I’m an all in charter member of the one and only Original FUV Forum for all my FUV updates and fun utility chats.
Heck, Jacob can almost see the AMP from where he lives and gets the jump on all the Arcimoto breaking news. Thanks Jacob!
[+] 1 user Likes Rickb's post
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Yeah, I gave up on Facebook last year after all the security and privacy issues. Good luck on it, though!
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When a business owner wants to accomplish specific goals with the marketing techniques then he needs to pick right marketing platforms. I am extremely happy that with the help of Twitter and facebook ads campaign management techniques, my business is growing really fast. These techniques are affordable as well.
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I will continue to follow this group. I don't like the format of Facebook or Twitter. Enourages superficiality IMHO. But most people prefer those, so it is good to have a presence there.
[+] 1 user Likes DanCooper's post
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I follow both because I don’t want to miss any news! However, I prefer this format over Facebook. I’m hoping for more activity from FUV Owners sharing experiences after the Evergreens are delivered.
[+] 1 user Likes Rickb's post
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Mark Frohnmayer stated today that the targeted June delivery is still on track. I’m AMPED!
[+] 3 users Like Rickb's post
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Rick, where’d he say that?
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DanPDX, Mark joined in the discussion on the Arcimoto FUV Club.

[Image: 70-F849-F8-A77-C-4-C6-C-9-BEA-C0-B4-AD60-E8-EE.jpg]
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I got the same news via email on Friday. Wondering if I should drive mine in a local small-town 4th of July parade that always had an "interesting/odd vehicles" section.
[+] 1 user Likes CharonPDX's post

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