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I won't be contacting any insurance company (or agent) that is using this forum for blatant advertising.

Also, I have been skipping reading the forum because of all the SPAM - is there no longer a moderator?
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insurance for the FUV was a bit more difficult than I imagined,...

basically have four other vehicles insured w/ AAA and have had zero tickets in decades, so figure it would be easy

called them up and was told AAA won't do it because the FUV was too new a class of vehicle

was told by arcimoto to call progressive, and was turned down basically because found out from my insurance agent that the FUV was too new a class of vehicle which had zero bluebook value (just in case it was involved in an accident)

allstate would not do a specialty vehicle policy

in the end got a basic insurance policy from geico

long story shot, being an early adoptee knew then are going to be some issues,... insurance is one of them BUT the good news I was told by my insurance agent is once the number of FUVs on the road increased it should not be a problem getting insurance,... actuaries just need some real world history on which to base how to price insurance

FYI when Tesla first started producing the roadster, insurance was difficult/impossible to get so the company itself had to insure drivers,... now look at at Tesla its an aspiration consumer vehicle with quite a following,... in a few years I expect arcimoto be to in the same position
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American Family knows about it - and if you use Brianna Troutman, she works with Arcimoto directly:
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(11-23-2020, 04:43 AM)CharonPDX Wrote: American Family knows about it - and if you use Brianna Troutman, she works with Arcimoto directly:

would have been nice to find out about this info sooner,...

but figure by staying w/ geico for a year it adds another data point for insurance analysts at a big insurance company which hopefully drives down costs for future buyers of an FUV
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Hi all, 
    I’m expecting my FUV in October/November. My insurance company is State Farm, and they have no idea how to insure it. I’ve looked over this thread, and reached out to American Family, only to be told ‘We only insure cars and trucks’ by the agent on the phone. The link to Ms. Troutman times out when I try it.
    Anybody in Florida already have a policy and can recommend a company to use? Many thanks in advance!
Kevin (In Tampa)
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Try Troy Sharp: (208) 475-2222 - he took over Brianna's clients, and knows about Arcimoto.
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Thank you!

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