Test Drive Video
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(06-14-2017, 08:19 AM)paravil Wrote: The only videos I can find, Dale are of the SRK (although the lady´s imbecile grin did put me off). Quite a few members of the public have written positively about their SRK driving experiences, and an SRK has been demonstrated (and test driven) throughout the USA.

But I can´t find similar reports by members of the public on the Solo. Links?

Paravil, all of the Solo videos are on their website from early development thru current to include track testing and a couple of controlled test drive events.  Photos and videos in Gallery. 


My guess is the reason Arcimoto has scheduled so many ride and drive events is that the SRK is a 2 seater and in all vids I've watched there is an Arcimoto rep along for the ride.

The SOLO is a single seater.  I wouldn't let an individual reservationist take it out alone from a trust and liability perspective.  The reservationist SOLO  test drive vids I seen are controlled in a test track setting following Jerry's Tesla Model X Pace Car.  Keep in mind the SOLO is still waiting on certification which may be reason for limited test drives.   There was one long time media supporter that took it for a spin on city streets and gave it a two thumbs up review. 

If I end up receiving delivery on a Solo there is no way I would let an interested party take it out for a test drive.  I will be reluctant to let a family member drive it.  Smile

The vids I've watched indicate the SOLO and SOLO R to be very stabile during slalom maneuvering on the test track.  The Sparrow was reliable and stabile it appears that the SOLO has made many improvements in the Sparrow platform as well as improvements in 10 pre-production SOLOs.  If it lacked performance and or stability, I doubt they would have spent time and money on building 10 SOLOs.  One shouldn't be too judgemental until we test drive the damn thing.

(06-14-2017, 08:19 AM)paravil Wrote: The only videos I can find, Dale are of the SRK (although the lady´s imbecile grin did put me off). Quite a few members of the public have written positively about their SRK driving experiences, and an SRK has been demonstrated (and test driven) throughout the USA.

But I can´t find similar reports by members of the public on the Solo. Links?

My favorite SRK test drive photo:

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I know what you mean Rick.

I fell in love the moment I saw that expression on her face. [Image: becky.gif]
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
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(06-16-2017, 01:45 AM)DiscjockeyDale Wrote: I know what you mean Rick.

I fell in love the moment I saw that expression on her face. [Image: becky.gif]
Dale, I laughed out loud!
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Hey, since I sidetracked this thread into talking about the Solo earlier, here's the latest test drive review...

Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
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Dale, "Mark West was extremely generous with his time so I was able to settle in and really evalute the entire experience." cannot by any means be considered a test drive report. The old regime in East Germany used the same method to showcase how everyone was happy. Did Qubit even siit in or drive the vehicle? We are not told. Did he give us any pertinent information? No! Or are we just here to prove our loyalty to each other? We all should know how that ends .....
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(06-16-2017, 07:55 AM)paravil Wrote: Dale, "Mark West was extremely generous with his time so I was able to settle in and really evalute the entire experience." cannot by any means be considered a test drive report. The old regime in East Germany used the same method to showcase how everyone was happy. Did Qubit even siit in or drive the vehicle? We are not told. Did he give us any pertinent information? No! Or are we just here to prove our loyalty to each other? We all should know how that ends .....

Did you happen to notice that the title of the thread was, "I thought I liked the Solo. Then I took a test drive."?

Yeah, OK. Put whatever spin you want on it and then feel free to tell us that we're the ones spinning something. Kettle and pot.

That was a pretty common trick used in propaganda too. And BTW, I considered your resorting to those analogies to be in fairly bad taste.

But that's just me. I'm not the person displaying obvious indicators of brand loyalty (or perhaps more accurately brand bias) here.

There is also a link to a rather scathing review of one of the earlier Solo prototypes on SoloOwners by an online blogger who never drove the vehicle.

There are always individuals and, at times, entire populations, who, when given the simple facts they've demanded... refuse to accept them.

This seems to happen most often when those facts do not agree with the individual's or a population's preconceptions.

Me? I'm a fairly open minded person about all of the above who's just doing his Jack Webb thing.
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
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The problem could be with the Solo, or it could just be with their PR methods. For me, the decision is easy. I like motorcycles and I don't like cars much, although my Prius is OK. The SRK is like a motorcycle, and will serve its purpose and many other purposes besides. If my only choice for a small EV were the Solo, I would choose a Chevy Bolt instead, to have more passenger and cargo space.
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(06-16-2017, 03:11 PM)DanCooper Wrote: The problem could be with the Solo, or it could just be with their PR methods.  For me, the decision is easy.  I like motorcycles and I don't like cars much, although my Prius is OK.  The SRK is like a motorcycle, and will serve its purpose and many other purposes besides.  If my only choice for a small EV were the Solo, I would choose a Chevy Bolt instead, to have more passenger and cargo space.

Just to be clear for everyone else reading this thread, the title of the SoloOwners thread is a spoof.
Everyone needs to actually read the thread. The OP loved the Solo and the test drive.

I agree with your logic and personal evaluation parameters Dan. Sounds good.
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
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(06-16-2017, 03:11 PM)DanCooper Wrote: The problem could be with the Solo, or it could just be with their PR methods.  For me, the decision is easy.  I like motorcycles and I don't like cars much, although my Prius is OK.  The SRK is like a motorcycle, and will serve its purpose and many other purposes besides.  If my only choice for a small EV were the Solo, I would choose a Chevy Bolt instead, to have more passenger and cargo space.
There isn't a problem with either of these three wheeler motorcycle classified EVs..  They are both commuter vehicles marketed to supplement the family car.  Both companies share similar visions regarding the future of electric vehicles and business models.  I would buy either as a funride to be determined by a test drive.  I look forward to my first motorcycle purchase.  If it happens to be the SOLO it may be an enclosed motorcycle but will feel like flying around in an Ironman suite not driving a Chevy Bolt.  Also,  I like the option of the SRK 'convertible' riding experience.

The problem is assumptions and unfounded speculation by members that have not experienced a test drive of either vehicle to determine which may be a better fit for their individual needs.  Buy what you like, like what you drive.

I have a reservation deposit on a Tesla Model 3 which will become my primary vehicle for additional range, 5 seats, and added cargo space.  It's not an either/or since they are totally different vehicles and one has nothing to do with the other.  Funtility!

Production of all three of these EVs is imminent.  WooHoo.
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The Arcimoto SRK is purported to be the world's first "Fun Utility Vehicle" or "FUV"

What about "Futility Vehicle" for short?

KIDDING MARK! JUST KIDDING! [Image: becky.gif]
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
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