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A lot of you may have been wondering what's been going on with our "Off Topic Discussion" section.
I didn't want to reveal anything, ONE, until I was sure it would work with our software...
And TWO, until I was pretty sure all the bugs were worked out.

The username and password for the forum which you registered with will now work...
Not only with the EV3 Backroom (The common "Off Topic Discussion" section)...
But also with the five other EV3 (our sites) forums and map sites.

The six EV3 forums/sites are:,,,, and

Just a minor FYI... Alternative site addresses for four of those sites are: is also is also, is also and is also

The goals are to have a common "Off Topic Discussion" section that is shared with all six sites...
To enable our members to seamlessly travel the links between our EV3 forums/sites without having to sign in...
And to enable our members to share some of their "Similar Vehicles" information by posting to our appropriate EV3 forums.

We already have had some members of more than one EV3 forum. It can prove difficult to keep track of which posts were previously seen on another EV3 forum.
Myself and all members will now be able to post to the commonly shared EV3 Backroom's "Off Topic" sections and the posts will be shared with all of the EV3 forums/sites.

Think of it as connecting the, until now, separate forums and as an expansion of each forum into an entire system.
Your discussions will be seen by more people, and more people may be inclined to contribute to those discussions.

To enable you to seamlessly travel and post between the original site you registered with, the Backroom, and the other EV3 forums/sites mentioned above...

Go to the new forums/sites via the "EV3 Backroom" link and the links in "Similar Vehicles".
Click the upper left "Login" link on their home pages. The Login popup will appear.
Fill in your Username and Password and check the "Remember Me" box.
Finish by clicking on the  "Login" button. That should do it!

Traveling back and forth between those forums/sites via their internal links should now be a seamless one click operation.
Except for the color theme and name of the forum, you shouldn't be able to tell that you left the forum you were on.
Gong back to the forum you were on should be just as seamless. Just click once on your browser's back button.

One note that should only apply to those who have already had memberships to more than one of our sites...
If you have set a different password or username + password for each of the  EV3 forums/sites you've registered with...
And the first username + password you try doesn't work for the newly connected forums/sites, try the other.

A final note. The dot "read/unread" indicator won't work for the "Off Topic Discussion" section.
There's no way to force the software to indicate read/unread posts between forums/sites.
You'll have to click on "The EV3 Backroom" to see if there are unread posts there.

If you have any problems with the logins, please contact me at
And please comment here in the EV3 Backroom's "Seamless Forum Travel" thread.

You have the ability to easily post threads, replies, images, videos, PDF files and polls.
Please feel free to post your comments, questions, pictures, polls, concerns, events, stories and recipes...
About the three wheeled vehicles we follow or just about any subject under the sun. I value your membership. I'll see you there.



P.S. If you're a  new member, it may take up to 72 hours to register you with the EV3 Backroom and the other four forums/sites.
I'll be adding all of our new members to all the other forums/sites every couple of days, so hang in there.
If you aren't able to log in to the other sites within a week contact me!

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