What options will you get on your Arcimoto?
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I would not discount the idea the AM will include a backup camera option. There is already a nice big video screen for the dashboard so it’s not a big stretch to add a camera and a little bit of software to run it. I have done a lot of backing up in Goldie delivering mail to the Post Office and visibility is always a concern for me. Without full doors, I need to lean out and look back as the mirrors don’t give you a sense of where the rear end of the FUV is. (As PAX commented on). This was one of the early suggestions that we made to AM based on our day to day experiences with the Sig Series FUVs. If a backup camera is not an option right away, I will likely add a third party BU camera. Especially after I get a trailer hitch.
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CG: Could you comment on if you think this cheap POS monstrosity would fit the FUV?


Thinking about getting it as a dirt-cheap temporary solution. (Not sure if that monitor would fit anywhere reasonable on the dash.)
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Wow! That’s a screaming great deal for such a large monitor. I think though that it would be too large for the “cockpit area”. Though maybe mount it in the drivers seat headrest with the camera facing forward. That way your passenger could watch the road ahead. I believe there are BU camera solutions that connect to your smartphone. Since there is already a holder for the phone, that might be a good choice. I will probably consider a hard wired setup because I don’t want to interfere with telemetry sensors with cell and WiFi connectivity on Goldie. (For AM data gathering)
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Hah! I love the idea of a view for the passenger.  I was also thinking maybe mount it on the back interior wall / on the passenger headrest (when no passenger is riding) so you can look back, and actually "see out the back."

I'm sure both the camera and screen quality are absolute garbage, but for that cheap, I might risk it.  (I've bought more expensive things on a whim just to see if they're as garbage as the seem - see the $50 "cellular smartwatch." Which is now apparently $25.)
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Backup camera for sure. I’ve found myself relying on my car camera quite a bit so that if I drive a non camera-ed car or truck it is annoying and slow. If I get the Arcimoto it will regularly be backed into our driveway which is 39 feet long and ends in trash cans. I like the question on being able to integrate the after market camera into the front display.

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