FUV Sightings
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Hi Guys!

Just to clear up some of the above:

We are indeed planning a Spring Celebration (Get AMPed!) here at the factory on June 9. We have invited all Signature Series customers to come celebrate with us and (potentially) take delivery of their vehicle. PAX, you should have received that invitation as well. If not, let us know!

The announcement of the event should hit the email list this week.

On numbering: Signature Series #3 was purchased by a dear friend of the company and community who has since passed. It was moved to #9 while we worked with their estate to determine where it would go. So while it was originally #3, it is not currently. I will respect CreativeGuy’s privacy and let him choose to disclose that individual’s identity if he so chooses.

The actual current sequence is #0 = Mark Frohnmayer, #1 = Nathan Fillion, #2 & #3 = Marketing vehicles (so we can continue putting our best foot forward for test drives and events, and display options development), #4 & #5 = Engineering vehicles (for testing and proving new systems - latest motor upgrades, longer-range battery pack, revised steering mechanism), #6 - #9 = customer vehicles. So PAX is getting #6, but it is actually our third customer vehicle.

On the trailer hitch, we have heard you all and put it in front of engineering to consider prioritizing it higher on the options list. There are quite a few details that need to be worked out in order for us to offer something that meets our safety and performance standards: hitch placement and attachment mechanism, type of connection to trailer, trailer wheelbase and weight limits, and effects on range and maneuverability. All that to say, it’s still on the list but will not be available June 9. It is something that we can likely retrofit later if desired.

Loving the enthusiasm on this thread. Thanks for the support everyone!
[+] 5 users Like Eric Fritz's post
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Thanks for the clarifications Eric! I know I sometimes let my enthusiasm get the best of me, and I'm prone to making way too many assumptions based on partial information (and I'm working on resisting that instinct). Big Grin
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(05-10-2018, 06:38 PM)Eric Fritz Wrote: Hi Guys!

Just to clear up some of the above:

We are indeed planning a Spring Celebration (Get AMPed!) here at the factory on June 9. We have invited all Signature Series customers to come celebrate with us and (potentially) take delivery of their vehicle. PAX, you should have received that invitation as well. If not, let us know!

Eric- thanks for explaining the SS numbers- i have been curious about them. 
June 9th-    I did get a notice this morning. 
re: trailer - hitch -   i do not want the standard ball hitch. i am building a pivoting wheel super light weight trailer so attachment to vehicle is different than the ball type and should be easier.
I am wondering about rear carrier and doors. With what we will carry on our trip I would prefer not travelling looking like the Beverly Hillbillies (the older folks know this reference) but I will bring lots of rope just in case.
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I passed the orange one on the road! It's so fun seeing them out and about!
[+] 2 users Like Kepesk's post
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Aaaaaand I blew past #02 on the road AGAIN today! Can't wait to run across #03 in the wild.
[+] 1 user Likes Kepesk's post
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Mark has stated that he's commuting daily on his FUV. Anyone aware of Fillion being seen in public on his?
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(05-18-2018, 09:05 PM)jimball Wrote: Mark has stated that he's commuting daily on his FUV.  Anyone aware of Fillion being seen in public on his?

I have it on good authority that this guy has been stalked by Fillion and his FUV!
Shocking! Click and wait a few seconds for the GIF to play!

mires.jpg (Size: 37.59 KB / Downloads: 158)
Required listening... House of Lords - Can't find my way home
This version kicks. There's just no other way to describe it. Shivers. Turn...it...up!
Disclaimer: No false statistics were supported, displayed or harmed in the making of this post.
[+] 2 users Like DiscjockeyDale's post
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I thought I saw Blue with the golf bag rack option on the Coeur d’Alene’s Floating Golf Green:

Attached Files
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(05-21-2018, 05:00 PM)Rickb Wrote: I thought I saw Blue with the golf bag rack option on the Coeur d’Alene’s Floating Golf Green:

That must be the amphibious FUV we are all dreaming about.
[+] 3 users Like CreativeGuy's post
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The orange FUV blew past me when I was parked on the side of the road today!

Well, here's what actually happened... I was driving with my kids in the car when I noticed Orange was following us. So I pulled over and had them look out the window so they could see it.

My oldest son said "Wow! It was going so so SO fast!" (It was going maybe 30).
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