FUV Sightings
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Green is my top candidate bit it will depend on a few things so it's not set in stone.
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Okay just in case anyone is wondering, I've stopped posting when I see one because I've started seeing them a LOT. At least every other day. It seems silly for me to keep going at this point.
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(09-18-2018, 06:27 PM)Kepesk Wrote: Okay just in case anyone is wondering, I've stopped posting when I see one because I've started seeing them a LOT.  At least every other day.  It seems silly for me to keep going at this point.

They can't be as common as a Prius yet, can they? You can't throw a cat without hitting a Prius in Berkeley, CA it seems. I pissed off a friend that I was visiting last month by yelling (as a joke) "LOOK! A Prius!!!" every time we saw one while we were driving around his hometown; he was ready to strangle me after about 90 seconds.)
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In Eugene, I doubt they're as common as Priuses (Prii?) yet; but if Kepesk's daily drive goes past a path Arcimoto folk drive often, it can be a lot.

I mean, Tesla Model 3's are exactly "everywhere" in Portland yet, but there are three owned in my neighborhood, so I see multiple of them nearly daily. (And what I *REALLY* don't get is that all three houses I see them parked at have a garage, yet none are parked in their garage... One even parks irregularly, often not in front of the same house daily - even though there is plenty of parking. Doesn't want people to figure out which house owns the Model 3?)
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It's funny, since I posted that, I've seen two more FUVs on the road.

But yeah, not quite as common as Priuses. Yet.
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I’ll see one for the first time during my scheduled October test drive and AMP tour.
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Let me know when you'll be in Rick and we can have a coffee.
[+] 1 user Likes Kepesk's post
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(09-19-2018, 03:28 AM)Kepesk Wrote: Let me know when you'll be in Rick and we can have a coffee.
I would enjoy that!  We plan to be in Eugene a couple days.  I’ll PM you when we have the details worked out.
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