Production timeline update
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It seems that Arcimoto is ready to drop the hammer and go, but is at the mercy of government bureaucrats running the certifications process. That can screw with the timeline in ways beyond AMP's control. Remember, when you say 'petty bureaucrat,' you are repeating yourself.
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(05-11-2019, 10:27 PM)jimball Wrote: It seems that Arcimoto is ready to drop the hammer and go, but is at the mercy of government bureaucrats running the certifications process. That can screw with the timeline in ways beyond AMP's control. Remember, when you say 'petty bureaucrat,' you are repeating yourself.

I think the testing was done by an independent lab, not a government organization. Some of the tests were done in house. I chatted up Stephanie the tester lady.
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Hope to get an update this week on testing after labor day weekend, several days after May 21st testing date, and now that people are back from NY.
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Jim, Government beauracrats aren’t running the testing. FUVs were sent to private testing labs for validation testing to insure they meet the NHTSA manufacturer motorcycle certification requirements. To my surprise, Arcimoto is safety testing and retesting other components that are not NHTSA requirements. I’m impressed by that self imposed testing and feel it’s worth the added wait.
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(05-26-2019, 06:37 PM)Rickb Wrote: Jim, Government beauracrats aren’t running the testing. FUVs were sent to private testing labs for validation testing to insure they meet the NHTSA manufacturer motorcycle certification requirements. To my surprise, Arcimoto is safety testing and retesting other components that are not NHTSA requirements. I’m impressed by that self imposed testing and feel it’s worth the added wait.
Is that so they qualify for rollover and seatbelt certification - which allows some states to not require helmet and motorcycle endorsement?
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I think it’s because Arcimoto wants us to be driving the safest three wheeler motorcycle on the planet.

Many States used the AAMVA’s simple autocycle definition that has nothing to do with added safety, but rather 3 wheels, seat, and steering wheel requirements. A few States have added partial, full, enclosure or ROPS and Seatbelt amendments to their Motorcycle code that exempts the FUV from their motorcycle endorsement and helmet requirements making how it steers (steering wheel or handlebars) a non-issue.

[Image: 7-B837-B67-9-AC2-41-C9-BA43-DF43-D941-E7-AF.jpg]
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I’m hoping for the retest results on Tuesday following the Memorial Day Holiday. Also, a video of the California Doors fit, opening/closing and demo showing the ease of attaching/detaching the doors.
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[Image: 7-BD0233-D-68-D2-497-F-9-B16-4-E88-CE1935-F3.jpg]

[Image: E841-B287-0862-437-B-9799-3-FA22-DB5031-E.jpg]

You can see 1 or 2 seconds of the front left door opening on the video from the May 11th open house about 19 seconds in (1 min 20 sec left of video). At about 1 min 13 seconds in (26 seconds left of video) you can see the door guy sitting in the back seat. Because they were really late in designing the doors we are either getting cut up body panels or they will redesign the panels so doors fit on.
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I would prefer soft doors, so I could carry them rolled up in case of the unexpected blizzard or horizontal rainstorm (common all year in Wyoming).
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We are getting finalized doors that fit on the “Flagship” FUV. My concern is why the engineer’s didn’t resolved the door fit issue when they engineered the door hinging mechanism and retooled the tubular frame. I’m disappointed Mark F. didn’t reply to my question regarding the daily/weekly number of Evergreens they anticipate rolling out the AMP after the official certification tags release.
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