Production timeline update
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Dan21 trust me I fall into that category!
Here’s a pic of 3 in progress evergreen. They are still building and taking apart waiting for that final certification.
[Image: A4-EC58-B8-3519-46-F3-A8-A3-D55-A1-C3-EBF56.jpg]
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So the brakes, headlights, and seats are a go? Were the blinkers part of lights? I knew they’d still be working on doors. Hope it doesn’t hold up production. Wonder why they went with aluminum skin. Sounds expensive. Is it because BFL can cut those out?
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Did I miss today’s scheduled update? Sounds like it was or will be a continued delay of the retail Evergreen delivery update. Sad

I suspect the engineering challenge is fitting the door to create a tight seal to the tubular frame.
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(08-03-2019, 05:23 AM)Rickb Wrote: Did I miss today’s scheduled update?  Sounds like it was or will be a continued delay of the retail Evergreen delivery update. Sad

I suspect the engineering challenge is fitting the door to create a tight seal to the tubular frame.
See bottom of page 4 of this thread.

(08-02-2019, 09:03 PM)DanPDX Wrote: Just thought I’d share for those anxious for news. I visited the factory yesterday, it sounds like they still have one final issue. Blinkers. Yup, blinkers are holding things up. After first failure they took oem blinkers of a production motorcycle to use and those were even rejected. So they still have to get blinkers passed before they can hit go...

That was my big take away, also they are still working on the doors. I was happy to see doors are aluminum and not plastic. For some reason I thought they’d be steel tube and plastic body panel, but it’s tube and aluminum paneling.

Also the white vinyl “stormtrooper” looks pretty awesome!
[Image: C946-EB8-C-797-A-4603-AF65-C50903-E0-DB21.jpg]

[Image: 44-A87-C8-C-A2-F8-4-BBB-9-FD6-3-AA89318-DD2-F.jpg]
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Thanks, but I was hoping for Mark Frohnmayer’s promised official update.
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Yeah I was told the last thing holding them up is blinkers. They didn’t explicitly say that everything else has passed but it appears that way. It sounds like we should have an update soon, curious if it will be before or after earnings update. Based on my discussions at the AMP, no one gave me a hard date or anything, but it sounds to me we are still another 4 weeks away or so...
I am posting some of this info like the blinkers and the above only on this forum bc it’s not as popular and the Facebook group has a lot of negativity that I don’t want to add fuel to.

Also I got a sense that some of my discussions with them would be best coming from Arcimoto and not myself...

Kat I asked about the doors and they want that to be a more durable, long lasting part. Since it’s going to be opened and slammed frequently they felt it’d be much sturdier in aluminum. I agree!

My biggest take away is that all of the changes and tweaks since evergreen reveal have not really been cost savings changes but truly have been upgrades. I had worried they were trying to cheapen to make as much as possible but it seems they are trying to make this initial release as high quality as possible since we will kind of be their ambassadors.
That all left me with a very positive feeling after my visit, less worried about release date. Although I don’t want it for summer driving still!
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Dan, I appreciate your comments, photos, and positive take away from your recent AMP visit. The improvements made make the delayed release date worth the wait. Regarding your statement. “we should have an update soon”, didn’t Mark state yesterday that his ‘promised’ update was “still on for this week”? OEM light assemblies, to include blinkers should have been tested by Arcimoto engineer’s before shipping test vehicles off to labs. Also, Arcimoto has been working on doors for a decade. I’ve recently moved from 100% positive to 98% positive and 2% WTH.
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RickB yeah I believe the testing of the blinkers is fairly specific, like a car at a 90 degree angle, has to be able to see your blinker from the side at a certain level of luminosity. So if you are at a stop light turning left, the cars perpendicular to you heading across the intersection need to be able to see your blinker. I think it’s hard to test unless you have a huge dedicated set up.
They figured oem parts would work, especially those from a large motorcycle company that already has them in use. But turns out they thought wrong.

As far as Mark’s update, when have they ever hit a deadline? Especially for updates Smile
He implied that if the update didn’t come out till next week, at that moment it would be considered “this week” not sure if he was trying to be funny or buy some time 😆

Also I remember something I was told about your seats. Those ones you sat in that I was told were cheaper, will likely be what they issue in markets where they have to ship a really cheap version, like Thailand or something. So that again made me think these new seats are significantly better.

More tidbits from my meeting I’m going to share here only, and think it should stay here for awhile as I don’t want to upset anyone there.

Seats: there are likely going to be two patterns to choose from, the diamond stitch pattern or one with larger horizontal bands across.
They are likely going to offer a different color stitch outline to go around it to add some variation, say you want a red stitch around the piping or something.

But the tidbit I am most excited about is they are likely going to offer different seat color choices! brown, red, maybe white, etc. most of us loved the tan leather from the alphas, so that had me really excited! I don’t think they want to announce that yet but it gives you more to think about.

Also there are more color options for vinyl than what you see in the configuration, ALOT more. Price difference is negligible, I suggest reaching out to discuss options for different colors if you have any interest.

I just wrote a whole book...
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Daniel, I enjoyed reading the book. Exciting indeed! I’m reassured by your seat review. I like the idea of exterior and interior (Brown Leather) color options. I’m stuck on a high visibility color.......White, (Yellow), or Orange. Not my favorite colors, but I want to be pop out visible in traffic for that extra added margin of safety. That was stressed in the Idaho Motorcycle Manual I’ve been looking over the past couple weeks prepping for my motorcycle endorsement written test. I suggest everybody reads through their State’s Motorcycle Manual regardless of the State’s current FUV licensing requirement status.

My only other driver safety concern is dash color. I’m hoping the dash in both the Black/Silver base color options is black, to avoid reflection and glare in the windshield typical of lighter colors......particularly Silver. I noticed the FUV dash was accent color matched in some photos.
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I’m in the anything but black or white seats. I hate hot seats. If they offer different colors, cool. If not, cool. I’m pushing my prediction for first one off the line to middle/end of October. Hope they don’t run out of options for money before certification. I really think once they get past the quagmire of certification and put the first one out they are over their first major hurdle.

(08-03-2019, 04:01 PM)DanPDX Wrote: RickB yeah I believe the testing of the blinkers is fairly specific, like a car at a 90 degree angle, has to be able to see your blinker from the side at a certain level of luminosity. So if you are at a stop light turning left, the cars perpendicular to you heading across the intersection need to be able to see your blinker. I think it’s hard to test unless you have a huge dedicated set up.
They figured oem parts would work, especially those from a large motorcycle company that already has them in use. But turns out they thought wrong.
They may need to reconfigure their body panel that holds the blinker. There’s a chance it interferes with the angle at which the blinkers are visible.
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