Helmet required in MA?
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Hello all!
I understand that MA has strict helmet laws but I was wondering if it's required when driving an Arcimoto? Probably is but because of the roll cage, double seatbelts and all the video's I see without helmets being worn I just wanted to ask. 
I'm not sure if I am the only owner in MA because I couldn't find anything online, and before I contact the registry or PD, I wanted to check here.
Thanks in advance 
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The FUV is a bit of a unique vehicle. I know in my state, because of the seat belts and roll cage, it does NOT need a helmet. But the state immediately to my North, because it has motorcycle controls, it DOES need a helmet. I can't find any obvious answer for MA, so I'd assume yes until you get word from your local PD.
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Hi I just got a FUV I am from Long Island , yes I know the aren’t too many Arcimoto in this area
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(09-01-2024, 09:43 PM)Condor731 Wrote: Hi I just got a FUV I am from Long Island , yes I know the aren’t too many Arcimoto in this area

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