Federal Electric Vehicle Rebate
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Does anyone know if there is a Federal Electric Vehicle Rebate for a FUV? I've searched but have not found Arcimoto listed.
Tom T.
Turner, OR
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Not at present - all federal tax credits only apply to 4-wheel vehicles. (Even the 2-wheel credit expired a few years ago.)

There are currently bills in congress that would add a tax credit or rebate - various bills are for various amounts - the highest one is a fixed dollar amount with a 50%-of-vehicle-cost cap that would hit a base-price FUV.
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Que genial gracias por compartirlo
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(09-16-2021, 01:12 AM)bicycler1951 Wrote: Does anyone know if there is a Federal Electric Vehicle Rebate for a FUV? I've searched but have not found Arcimoto listed.

I took delivery of my FUV on Jan 26th.
In California, I received a $750 CA EV rebate the was applied at time of purchase.
As far as I know there is a $900 Federal EV Motorcycle Tax Credit, which I will be claiming on you 2022 Federal income taxes.
Long time to wait for the federal tax credit though :-(
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I'm getting a $2500 rebate from Oregon, hopefully sometime soon. I goofed up and filed for this rebate too soon. I would have gotten another $2500 if I had waited until I filed my 2021 Federal 1040. My income in 2020 was too large for the extra $2500. ;o(

With this rebate I'll be able to get doors on my FUV. ;o)

I'll be on the lookout for a Federal rebate.
Tom T.
Turner, OR
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The Federal EV Motorcycle Tax credit that included 3 wheeled motorcycles was part of Build Back Better bill, which has not passed and likely will not. Currently I think only 2 wheeled EV motorcycles can get the credit (like Zero). I think the 2 wheeled EV motorcycle credit expired in 2021. https://www.zeromotorcycles.com/incentives

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