Wheel Marker Blinker
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I've had several close calls where someone changes into the lane I'm changing into from the opposite lane, directly into my blind spot. I think the rear signal at the brake lights may be harder to notice from the side, so I wanted to have my wheel markers blink as well.

Inspired by Charlie Gray's posts on Facebook, who wired the wheel markers directly to the HMLL and HMLR gray connectors available in the Evergreen to convert them into signal lights, I looked for a way to still have the wheel markers on while not using my signal. The answer came in automotive SPDT relays, which I could use the normally closed lead to have the usual wheel marker connection, and then use the HMLL and HMLR to trigger the relay and open the connection.

One issue with this is that the hazard lights make the wheel markers blink. So I used a second relay from HMLL (and HMLR) with the normally closed connected to the first relay's trigger, and this second relay is triggered by a switch on my handlebar. If the switch is off, I get the wheel markers off when the signal is on, and the wheel markers on when the signal is off. If the switch is on, then the HMLL (and HMLR) is no longer connected to the first relay's trigger, and I have the original stock behavior.

First 15 seconds shows my new normal behavior of the wheel markers and signals alternating
0:16 is when I turn on the switch on my handlebar to restore factory behavior
Most of the video shows the FUV's factory behavior of signals and hazard lights
0:46 is when I turn off the switch on my handlebar
The last few seconds show why I needed to install the second relay to fix the hazard lights

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