What if you wreck it?
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Hello all, I am considering purchasing an FUV, but its exotic nature has me worried. If my FUV becomes damaged, say some jerk driving behind me is texting and driving and rear-ends me at a stop light, causing significant damage to the FUV, how would I ever get it fixed? It wouldn't be like having a Honda, where I have no end of places to take my damaged car for repair by trained and properly equipped professionals with all the parts in inventory. With an FUV there may be nobody within hundreds of miles who could make the vehicle right again. Am I expected to rent a flatbed truck and ship the vehicle to Eugene, Oregon (and back!)?

Have any of you dealt with this, or given the issue serious thought?  Huh

Thanks, I appreciate your advice.

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Arcimoto works with local shops in those instances. They won't have the parts or maybe even procedure on hand, but they'll be able to get them from Arcimoto.

Or you can have it shipped back to Eugene.

I know of two that have been in major accidents so far; but both were in Oregon and taken to the factory for repair.

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