New Funding
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Arcimoto has raised $4.5 million in funding and is now targeting production of the world’s first Fun Utility Vehicles for retail customers in the first quarter of 2019.
From Businesswire article published in the last hour.
(Posting the link resulted in an error message due to my rookie status on the messageboard)
[+] 2 users Like skunky_x's post
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Thanks skinny_x! Here's the link:

Here's Mark's quote:

“This financing will allow Arcimoto to take the next critical step: the semi-automated manufacture, assembly, and delivery of our first retail vehicles. With global demand for electric vehicles accelerating, we are confident that Arcimoto’s vision – of a capital efficient enterprise producing affordable, efficient, small-footprint EVs designed for everyday driving – is well-timed. We believe this funding positions us to begin delivering on our 3,250 customer pre-orders, as well as deploy rental fleets in key destination cities.”
[+] 1 user Likes Kepesk's post
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This is awesome news. Hopefully the production line will be rocking and rolling soon.
[+] 1 user Likes ricschug's post
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Now THAT gets my day a-rockin!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes AnimalCage's post
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..........and my day a-rollin!!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes Rickb's post
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Me too!

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